Friday, October 26, 2007

October 26, 2007.

Spent a very useful session exploring Learning 2.0:-

Flickr-would you believe that I don't yet own a digital camera ??; still use a film camera but don't panic just yet-I do have plans to go digital next year. Still even without a digital camera to share pics around, I can enjoy viewing landscape photos on Flickr.
Libthing- bring it on--it could revolutionize our library's cataloguing department!!
Tags-reading about how tags are used.
Delicious-reading how this social bookmarking site is used. Contains useful links of interest eg travel destinations.

Photo Blog

I thought that I would like to introduce a photo to my blog site. Including a photo of ApolloBay is significant to me as going back to my childhood, our family have spent many holidays staying at ApolloBay and in later years exploring the surrounding otways with the bushwalking group.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

First Impressions

I have been enjoying the learning 2.0 programme. Available time has been the main reason why I have not created a post until now.

Reflecting on the past activities, there are some wonderful resources on the net, but I don't really spend a lot of time using the internet, unlike my studying days when I was completing a library tech course.

The online social networking opportunities are extensive. It has been educational to learn about and to be aware of them. The newsfeeds seem quite a foreign concept , as I still prefer to listen to ABC radio news in the mornings and read a newspaper. There is also the option of the 24 hour newsradio station. Cheers for now.
